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Version: 6.x


Insert new data into the storage.

setItem(key, value, options) : Promise<null>

Check out the options that you can use for Android, iOS and Windows.


import SInfo from 'react-native-sensitive-info';
const myFunc = async () => {    return SInfo.setItem('key1', 'value1', {        sharedPreferencesName: 'mySharedPrefs',        keychainService: 'myKeychain'    });}
await myFunc();
// The data is saved


You can choose which keychain's service (iOS) and shared preferences's name (android) you want to use.

But if you rather not to use it our default sharedPreferencesName is: shared_preferences and keychainService is: app. To do so, just use setItem like this:

SInfo.setItem('key1', 'value1', {});

If you used Android's getDefaultSharedPreferences in your project the shared preference's name that you are looking for is: com.mypackage.MyApp_preferences. On the other hand if you used iOS's Keychain the default service is: app.